Holy Cross College
Application for Admission
September 2025

For Attention of Current Applicants (updated 14/5/20)

Please be reassured that, ahead of enrolment, Holy Cross will be as welcoming as possible to new students in the present climate and the uncertainty surrounding GCSEs.

All students should feel reassured that the College will work to make any adaptions necessary to the process or timing of allocating students to their new courses during enrolment. For more detail generally please see the 'Latest News' section on our website.

  The deadline for applications has now passed, however you can log on to an existing application to check your interview date or to modify your contact information.

To continue an application you have already begun, to go back and make changes, or to simply view it, type your e-mail address and password in the boxes below then press 'Continue/Edit Application'. If you have not begun the process of applying yet you need to create an application by clicking here.

NB: If you have already submitted your application you will only be able to view it.

  E-Mail Address:

Please remember your log-on email and password as you will be using them extensively during the application process.